4-years after,?Malaysia aviation chief resigns over MH370 report
Azharuddin Abdul Rahmanon, the chief of Malaysia‘s civil aviation regulation resigned today after an official report found lapses in air traffic control when Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 disappeared.  

The report, prepared by the 19-member international team, said that it was impossible to provide any firm conclusion about the occurrence of the incident until the lost plane’s wreckage and black boxes were recovered, Fox News reported.  

In the long-awaited report released on Monday, the probe team pointed out scores of lapses by air traffic controllers in both Vietnam and Malaysia. The report also added that there was a paucity of information to determine if the plane broke up in the air, or due to the impact of the ocean.  

The Boeing 777, which was ferrying as many as 239 passengers from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, suddenly disappeared on March 8, 2014, and was presumed to have crashed into the southern Indian Ocean. The team, in its report, mentioned that it was onerous for the MH370 aircraft’s course change to be attributed to mechanical or system failures.  “It is more likely that such maneuvers are due to the systems being manipulated,” the report said.  

In an attempt to resolve this case, several countries such as Malaysia, China, and Australia carried out search operations in the Indian Ocean but later called off in January 2017 after failing to find the traces of the missing aircraft.  In May 2018, another search operation was conducted by a private firm which signed an agreement with the Malaysian government.
In what apprears to be a cordinated move with the Senate President Bukola Saraki who dumped APC via twitter a few moments ago, Kwara State governor, Abdulfatah Ahmed has followed suit.

The Announcement of defection from APC to PDP came late hour of yesterday, when the governor tweeted 'following consultations and in response to calls by major stakeholders in the state, I have moved to the PDP as APC can no longer serve as a platform for achieving the aspirations and expectations of my people'.
Bobrisky gives himself a new female name and explains why he chose the name
Popular crossdresser Bobrisky has given himself a new female name.
Bob said his second name will now be Adufe. He explained that it means someone who is wanted by most and he likes the name. He went on to encourage his followers to feel free to refer to him as Adufelomo.

"As from today on, my second name on Instagram is Adufe," he said in a video shared to Instagram.
"Adufe simply means they are rushing you. Everybody wants to date you. Everybody wants... they want to feel you."

He explained that a follower suggested the name to him and he liked it so he decided to begin using the name.

Moments ago, Nigeria's Senate President Bukola Saraki announced his departure from APC with a Tweet that read,  'I wish to inform Nigerians that, after extensive consultations, I have decided to take my leave of the All Progressives Congress (APC)'.

Though he's yet to officially announce his new political party, his colleague, Senator Ben Bruce has officially welcomed him to the opposition party, PDP.

'Today, I am excited to welcome home to the @OfficialPDPNig, the very sagacious and excellent leader and president of the @NGRSenate, Distinguished Sen. @bukolasaraki. The @APCNigeria failed at putting you down, and inadvertently  succeeded in making you stronger. Welcome home' Ben Bruce Tweeted.
PDP welcomes Bukola Saraki back to its party
Saraki announced his resignation from the APC this evening. 
N3.2billion fraud: Ex-Abia State governor, Orji?Kalu loses bid to stop trial
Justice Muhammed Idris of the Federal High Court sitting in Ikoyi, Lagos, on Tuesday, July 31, 2018, dismissed a no-case submission filed by a former governor of Abia State, Orji Uzor Kalu, in his bid to stop his trial over an alleged N3.2bn fraud.

Kalu alongside his former Commissioner for Finance and Account, Jones Udeogu, and a company, Slok Nigeria Limited, are being prosecuted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on an amended 39-count charge bordering on money laundering to the tune of N3.2bn.

The EFCC, through its counsel, Rotimi Jacobs, SAN, had, on Friday, May 11, 2018, closed its case against the defendants, after the conclusion of evidence given by a prosecution witness, Chidi Chukwuka , Deputy Director, Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation, NDIC.

During the May 11, 2018 proceedings, the prosecution counsel had also moved an oral application to amend the charge against the defendants in view of the evidence given so far. However, the defence led by Awa Kalu, SAN, had, on May 28, 2018, filed a no-case submission on behalf of their clients, which they subsequently adopted as their written address.

In his short ruling on the no case-submission today, Justice Idris held that the prosecution had established a  prima facie case against the defendants based on the evidence against the defendants. The Judge also held that there was a link between Kalu and the two others.

“You have explanations to make,” the Judge said. Following the ruling, one of the defence counsel, Goddy Uche, SAN, informed the court that the lead counsel to the defendants, Awa Kalu, SAN, had written to notify the court that Kalu has an appointment to undergo a surgery abroad.

He, therefore, prayed the court to adjourn the matter to September 10, 2018 to enable the first defendant, Kalu, to open his defence.

Cristiano Ronaldo meets his new team-mates as he trains for the first time since joining Juventus in a ?100million move (Photos)

Cristiano Ronaldo meets his new team-mates as he trains for the first time since joining Juventus in a ?100million move (Photos)

Cristiano Ronaldo meets his new team-mates as he trains for the first time since joining Juventus in a ?100million move (Photos)
Superstar footballer, Cristiano Ronaldo met his new team-mates today as he took part in his first training session since joining Juventus in a £100million move from Real Madrid.
The 33-year-old Portuguese star was pictured alongside new colleagues Gonzalo Higuain, Paulo Dybala, Juan Cuadrado, Douglas Costa and Rodrigo Bentancur as they all trained in Turin together.
The striker is expected to make his debut against Chievo on the 19th of August.
See more photos below.Cristiano Ronaldo meets his new team-mates as he trains for the first time since joining Juventus in a ?100million move (Photos)Cristiano Ronaldo meets his new team-mates as he trains for the first time since joining Juventus in a ?100million move (Photos)Cristiano Ronaldo meets his new team-mates as he trains for the first time since joining Juventus in a ?100million move (Photos)Cristiano Ronaldo meets his new team-mates as he trains for the first time since joining Juventus in a ?100million move (Photos)Cristiano Ronaldo meets his new team-mates as he trains for the first time since joining Juventus in a ?100million move (Photos)

Bukola Saraki confirms his return to PDP, says APC took him for granted
Senate President Bukola Saraki has released an official statement announcing his defection to PDP. He blamed his exit from APC on certain elements in the party that have blatantly disregarded the party rules. He said the APC took him for granted. Read his statement below 
I wish to inform Nigerians that, after extensive consultations, I have decided to take my leave of the All Progressives Congress (APC).
This is not a decision that I have made lightly. If anything at all, I have tarried for so long and did all that was humanly possible, even in the face of great provocation, ridicule and flagrant persecution, to give opportunity for peace, reconciliation and harmonious existence.
Perhaps, more significantly, I am mindful of the fact that I carry on my shoulder a great responsibility for thousands of my supporters, political associates and friends, who have trusted in my leadership and have attached their political fortunes to mine. However, it is after an extensive consultation with all the important stakeholders that we have come to this difficult but inevitable decision to pitch our political tent elsewhere; where we could enjoy greater sense of belonging and where the interests of the greatest number of our Nigerians would be best served.
While I take full responsibility for this decision, I will like to emphasise that it is a decision that has been inescapably imposed on me by certain elements and forces within the APC who have ensured that the minimum conditions for peace, cooperation, inclusion and a general sense of belonging did not exist.
They have done everything to ensure that the basic rules of party administration, which should promote harmonious relations among the various elements within the party were blatantly disregarded. All governance principles which were required for a healthy functioning of the party and the government were deliberately violated or undermined. And all entreaties for justice, equity and fairness as basic precondition for peace and unity, not only within the party, but also the country at large, were simply ignored, or employed as additional pretext for further exclusion.
The experience of my people and associates in the past three years is that they have suffered alienation and have been treated as outsiders in their own party. Thus, many have become disaffected and disenchanted. At the same time, opportunities to seek redress and correct these anomalies were deliberately blocked as a government-within-a-government had formed an impregnable wall and left in the cold, everyone else who was not recognized as “one of us”. This is why my people, like all self-respecting people would do, decided to seek accommodation elsewhere.
I have had the privilege to lead the Nigerian legislature in the past three years as the President of the Senate and the Chairman of the National Assembly. The framers of our constitution envisage a degree of benign tension among the three arms of government if the principle of checks and balances must continue to serve as the building block of our democracy. In my role as the head of the legislature, and a leader of the party, I have ensured that this necessary tension did not escalate at any time in such a way that it could encumber Executive function or correspondingly, undermine the independence of the legislature. Over the years, I have made great efforts in the overall interest of the country, and in spite of my personal predicament, to manage situations that would otherwise have resulted in unsavoury consequences for the government and the administration. My colleagues in the Senate will bear testimony to this.
However, what we have seen is a situation whereby every dissent from the legislature was framed as an affront on the executive or as part of an agenda to undermine the government itself. The populist notion of anti-corruption became a ready weapon for silencing any form of dissent and for framing even principled objection as “corruption fighting back”. Persistent onslaught against the legislature and open incitement of the people against their own representatives became a default argument in defence of any short-coming of the government in a manner that betrays all too easily, a certain contempt for the Constitution itself or even the democracy that it is meant to serve.
Unfortunately, the self-serving gulf that has been created between the leadership of the two critical arms of government based on distrust and mutual suspicion has made any form of constructive engagement impossible. Therefore, anything short of a slavish surrender in a way that reduces the legislature to a mere rubber stamp would not have been sufficient in procuring the kind of rapprochement that was desired in the interest of all. But I have no doubt in my mind, that to surrender this way is to be complicit in the subversion of the institution that remains the very bastion of our democracy. I am a democrat. And I believe that anyone who lays even the most basic claim to being a democrat will not accept peace on those terms; which seeks to compromise the very basis of our existence as the parliament of the people.
The recent weeks have witnessed a rather unusual attempts to engage with some of these most critical issues at stake. Unfortunately, the discord has been allowed to fester unaddressed for too long, with dire consequences for the ultimate objective of delivering the common good and achieving peace and unity in our country. Any hope of reconciliation at this point was therefore very slim indeed. Most of the horses had bolted from the stable.
The emergence of a new national party executives a few weeks ago held out some hopes, however slender. The new party chairman has swung into action and did his best alongside some of the Governors of APC and His Excellency, the Vice President. I thank them for all their great efforts to save the day and achieve reconciliation. Even though I thought these efforts were coming late in the day, but seeing the genuine commitment of these gentlemen, I began to think that perhaps it was still possible to reconsider the situation.
However, as I have realized all along, there are some others in the party leadership hierarchy, who did not think dialogue was the way forward and therefore chose to play the fifth columnists. These individuals went to work and ensured that they scuttled the great efforts and the good intentions of these aforementioned leaders of the party. Perhaps, had these divisive forces not thrown the cogs in the wheel at the last minutes, and in a manner that made it impossible to sustain any trust in the process, the story today would have been different.
For me, I leave all that behind me. Today, I start as I return to the party where I began my political journey, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
When we left the PDP to join the then nascent coalition of All Progressives Congress (APC) in 2014, we left in a quest for justice, equity and inclusion; the fundamental principles on which the PDP was originally built but which it had deviated from. We were attracted to the APC by its promise of change. We fought hard along with others and defeated the PDP.
In retrospect, it is now evident that the PDP has learnt more from its defeat than the APC has learnt from its victory. The PDP that we return to is now a party that has learnt its lessons the hard way and have realized that no member of the party should be taken for granted; a party that has realized that inclusion, justice and equity are basic precondition for peace; a party that has realized that never again can the people of Nigeria be taken for granted.
I am excited by the new efforts, which seeks to build the reborn PDP on the core principles of promoting democratic values; internal democracy; accountability; inclusion and national competitiveness; genuine commitment to restructuring and devolution of powers; and an abiding belief in zoning of political and elective offices as an inevitable strategy for managing our rich diversity as a people of one great indivisible nation called Nigeria.
What we have all agreed is that a deep commitment to these ideals were not only a demonstration of our patriotism but also a matter of enlightened self-interest, believing that our very survival as political elites of this country will depend on our ability to earn the trust of our people and in making them believe that, more than anything else, we are committed to serving the people.
What the experience of the last three years have taught us is that the most important task that we face as a country is how to reunite our people. Never before had so many people in so many parts of our country felt so alienated from their Nigerianness. Therefore, we understand that the greatest task before us is to reunite the county and give everyone a sense of belonging regardless of region or religion.
Every Nigerian must have an instinctive confidence that he or she will be treated with justice and equity in any part of the country regardless of the language they speak or how they worship God. This is the great task that trumps all. Unless we are able to achieve this, all other claim to progress no matter how defined, would remain unsustainable.
This is the task that I am committing myself to and I believe that it is in this PDP, that I will have the opportunity to play my part. It is my hope that the APC will respect the choice that I have made as my democratic right, and understand that even though we will now occupy a different political space, we do not necessarily become enemies unto one another.
Thank you.
Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, CON
President of the Senate

President Buhari elected chairman of ECOWAS

President Buhari has been elected the new chairman of the Economic Community of West African States ECOWAS.

President Buhari was elected the new chairman of the body at the ongoing 53rd Ordinary Session of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of the ECOWAS in Togo today, July 31st.

His Personal Assistant on New Media, Bashir Ahmad, disclosed this in a message posted on twitter.
President Buhari elected chairman of ECOWAS
The governor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom says the institution of impeachment proceedings against him by eight members of the state assembly would have been impossible were Nigeria not a shithole country.  

Reacting to the move, Ortom said he has now come to understand why US President Donald Trump said there are “shithole countries” in Africa. Ortom blamed the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) and Director-General of the Department of State Services for plotting to unseat him, saying he was being targeted for defecting to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

He also accused George Akume, a current senator and former Governor of the state of working behind the scenes to destabilise his government.  
“Today, I’ve realised why Donald Trump called Nigeria or Africa a shithole. I want to believe that Mr. President is not aware of what is taking place in Benue State because as President who swore to uphold the rule of law and due process, and who is referred to as a man of integrity, a man of honour and who respects the constitution of our land, I’m sure he is not aware of the impunity and ignominy that is being perpetrated by the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and the DG of DSS,” he said.
“For me, I will continue to do my duty at all times. The action of the agents actively supported by the Police and DSS, the actions of the eight members of the House of Assembly against 22 who are legitimately doing their jobs has demonstrated the highest level of hooliganism and ignominy. The police detachment from Abuja is acting on the directives of Senator George Akume and the IGP and DSS, forcibly occupying the assembly in flagrant disobedience of court order to vacate the premises.  

“The Police barred and stopped the 22 members of the Benue State House of Assembly from entering the assembly premises to conduct their legitimate duties and manhandled citizens who were going to watch the proceedings. They teargassed many and took them away.  “The same Police provided heavy security escorts to the eight members who came to perpetrate the impunity, and led them away to their destination. Eight members seem to have suspended 22 members. It is only in a shithole country that you can do this kind of thing.”  

Ortom said the entire turn of events “does not make sense”, adding: “Terkimbi ikyange, the impeached Speaker, paraded himself as Speaker in flagrant disobedience to the court order that he should not do so until the matter is heard. The same members claim to have illegally moved a motion to serve an impeachment notice on me. Eight members cannot be two/third of 30 members of the assembly. An impeachment notice that I’ve not seen any way, but that is what I heard. I want to believe in the rule of law and will deploy legal process to tackle this form of challenge. We are not going into any kind of illegality and that is what democracy is all about. We will continue to protect the democracy that we have in this country.  

“I call on patriotic Nigerians to rise and resist this impunity. What is my offence? Have I not got the right to decide to associate with any political association of my choice? Is it the first time we are doing that? Even in America, defection is not a crime, so I want to call on Mr. President to protect this democracy that made him President.  “This form of impunity will only derail the democratic process that we have. Mr President should not allow this. The IGP should not be allowed to be used by Senator Akume to perpetrate evil. So, if Akume is recruited to destabilise to bring people to destabilise this government, he should be called to order. Now I know why Trump called Nigeria a shithole country. It’s only in a shithole country that eight House of Assembly members can suspend 22 lawmakers.”
Hundreds of African migrants celebrate as they enter Spain after forcing their way through the Border (photos)?
Almost 600 migrants stormed border fence and attack security forces to make it into Spain's North African enclave of Ceuta from Morocco. 
Spanish authorities said officers were assaulted with quicklime when migrants charged border fences separating Spain's North African enclave of Ceuta from Morocco last Thursday.
A spokesman for the Guardia Civil police force in Ceuta said the migrants managed to climb over the double barrier, which is covered in small blades.
Hundreds of African migrants celebrate as they enter Spain after forcing their way through the Border (photos)?
They scrambled over 'all of a sudden, with much violence,' and some attacked police with quicklime they had in tubes and bottles. As a result, 'more than a dozen police' were injured with the substance, four of whom had to go to hospital for burns to their faces and arms.
Hundreds of African migrants celebrate as they enter Spain after forcing their way through the Border (photos)?
According to the Spanish Red Cross, they called to check on 592 people after the massive charge, and they found out that 132 migrants had been injured as they scaled the high, barbed-wire fences.
Hundreds of African migrants celebrate as they enter Spain after forcing their way through the Border (photos)?
In the videos below, the migrants were seen jubilating and dancing after they made it into Spain from Morocco.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden caused a stir when they went for lunch at a Washington DC bakery (videos)
Former US President Barack Obama and his former Vice President Joe Biden caused a stir on Monday when they visited a Washington, DC, bakery for lunch.
The pair, whose bromance has always been a topic of conversation, spent about 45 minutes at Dog Tag Bakery in Georgetown, which runs a fellowship program for veterans.
As Obama and Biden grabbed a bite to eat, they used the opportunity to meet the veterans. They took selfies with them and talked to them about their future business plans for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden caused a stir when they went for lunch at a Washington DC bakery (videos)

"It was a pretty quick drop by, and they had lunch with us today," Dog Tag Inc.'s program director Claire Witko told local outlet WTOP.
The bakery shared a video from the visit to its Facebook page. Another video shows Obama and Biden exiting the bakery and they were greeted with cheers as soon as they stepped out of the door.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden caused a stir when they went for lunch at a Washington DC bakery (videos)

Watch the videos below.

Teenager has her unborn twin sister growing from her chest
A Filipina schoolgirl has lived all her life with a parasitic twin growing out of her chest and abdomen, but will soon undergo surgery to have it removed.
Veronica Cominguez, 14, was supposed to be born a twin. When she and her twin were still in the womb, their mother, Flora Cominguez, already had names for both of them. Unfortunately, the twin didn’t fully develop. And because the family lacked access to medical care, the twin was essentially absorbed into Veronica’s body.
Veronica was born with the twin’s foot, arm, and leg protruding from her own abdomen. As Veronica has grown, so has the twin. Veronica says she even trims her twin sister's nails. Unfortunately, the twin hanging out of her chest has led to other problems for the young lady.

Teenager has her unborn twin sister growing from her chest

"It’s heavy, it limits my movement. It keeps swinging. My dress often gets wet," Veronica said. 
In fact, the twin causes secretions to leak out of Veronica’s navel. Oftentimes it looks like blood. Her mother says that the goo that seeps out often smells like human waste.

Teenager has her unborn twin sister growing from her chest

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of her neighbours, who raised money for an operation, the 14-year-old, who lives in the Philippines, will soon be flown to neighbouring Thailand to undergo surgery to have the limbs removed

Former Presidents Olusegun?Obasanjo and?Goodluck Jonathan?hold closed door meeting in Bayelsa (Photos)
Former Presidents of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo and Goodluck Jonathan held a closed door meeting earlier today at Jonathan's Otuoke mansion in Bayelsa State.

The cause of his visit is yet to be disclosed but reports have it that the meeting is connected to the forthcoming 2019 general election.

Former Presidents Olusegun?Obasanjo and?Goodluck Jonathan?hold closed door meeting in Bayelsa (Photos)

President Buhari meets Nigerian community in Togo

President Buhari is currently in Togo where he will be attending the ECOWAS-ECCAS Summit. He met with the Nigerian community in Togo and briefed them on what his government is doing to improve the lives of Nigerians.
President Buhari meets Nigerian community in TogoPresident Buhari meets Nigerian community in TogoPresident Buhari meets Nigerian community in TogoPresident Buhari meets Nigerian community in Togo
Groom and 13 members of his family die in car crash on their way to wedding
Fourteen members of the same family were killed today in a car crash in central Vietnam on their way to a wedding party.
The groom was also in the vehicle that crashed and he died instantly when their van hit a container truck, police said.
The groom and his family members were heading to the bride’s family home in a neighbouring province when they were involved in an accident in Quang Nam. Their 16-seater van collided with a container truck at about 2.30am, killing 13 people instantly. Another died later in hospital.
Groom and 13 members of his family die in car crash on their way to wedding

Confirming the incident, a policeman said: "All victims’ bodies were brought back to their home for burial. We are treating some of the injured in a local hospital."
Local authorities said Monday they were investigating the cause of the deadly crash.

Groom and 13 members of his family die in car crash on their way to wedding

Jennifer Lopez shares a kiss with her beau Alex Rodriguez as they celebrate his 43rd birthday with family & friends (Photos)
Singer, Jennifer Lopez's beau Alex Rodriguez turned 43 on Saturday and he celebrated his special day with family and friends at an exotic location.
In one of the photos the former baseball pro shared online, he was pictured locking lips with his partner Lopez, who turned 49 five-days ago.
See more photos below.
Jennifer Lopez shares a kiss with her beau Alex Rodriguez as they celebrate his 43rd birthday with family & friends (Photos)Jennifer Lopez shares a kiss with her beau Alex Rodriguez as they celebrate his 43rd birthday with family & friends (Photos)Jennifer Lopez shares a kiss with her beau Alex Rodriguez as they celebrate his 43rd birthday with family & friends (Photos)Jennifer Lopez shares a kiss with her beau Alex Rodriguez as they celebrate his 43rd birthday with family & friends (Photos)Jennifer Lopez shares a kiss with her beau Alex Rodriguez as they celebrate his 43rd birthday with family & friends (Photos)Jennifer Lopez shares a kiss with her beau Alex Rodriguez as they celebrate his 43rd birthday with family & friends (Photos)Jennifer Lopez shares a kiss with her beau Alex Rodriguez as they celebrate his 43rd birthday with family & friends (Photos)Jennifer Lopez shares a kiss with her beau Alex Rodriguez as they celebrate his 43rd birthday with family & friends (Photos)Jennifer Lopez shares a kiss with her beau Alex Rodriguez as they celebrate his 43rd birthday with family & friends (Photos)