Americans vote Barack Obama the best president of their lifetime

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Americans vote Barack Obama the best president of their lifetime
A lot of people consider Barack Obama to be the greatest President the U.S. has ever had and a new poll just gave that confirmation.
The new poll saw Americans vote Barack Obama as the best president of their lifetime. The poll, which was created by the Pew Research Center, asked more than 2,000 US citizens who they thought had done the best job as president. They were also asked to give a second choice.

44% of Americans said Obama was either the best or the second-best president in their lifetime, with 33% saying the same for Bill Clinton. 32% said Ronald Regan was the best or second-best president in their lifetime. The current president, Donald Trump did not fare quite so well, with only 19% voting for him. George W Bush came in fifth place with 14 per cent of those asked selecting him as either first or second choice.


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