Locals worship in their burnt church after the building was torched in the Plateau massacre carried out by suspected Fulani herdsmen (photos)

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Locals worship in their burnt church after the building was torched in the Plateau massacre carried out by suspected Fulani herdsmen (photos)

Locals worship in their burnt church after the building was torched in the Plateau massacre carried out by suspected Fulani herdsmen (photos)
Courageous worshippers held church service in their local church building in Kakuruk village, Plateau state, even though it had been destroyed in a fire only one week prior when suspected Fulani herdsmen attacked the village and burnt scores to death.

The attack, which happened last month in several villages in Barkin Ladi, Mangu and Riyom local government areas of Plateau State, saw over 120 people killed and over 200 others seriously injured.

Locals worship in their burnt church after the building was torched in the Plateau massacre carried out by suspected Fulani herdsmen (photos)

But this did not stop the survivors from picking up the pieces of their lives and trying to have a normal life again. They returned to church to worship just one week after the attack.

Locals worship in their burnt church after the building was torched in the Plateau massacre carried out by suspected Fulani herdsmen (photos)

Henry Daniel Bago, a member of the church burnt by herdsmen, shared photos of the first Sunday service held in the church after it was torched and wrote: 
This is kakuruk, COCIN RCC Gashish (Rcc headquarters) Plateau state
The fire was still burning when the people of God remembered the sabbath day by coming together in unity to serve the Lord (sunday service 1/7/2018) as if everything is ok.
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all cre­a­tion, will be able to sep­a­rate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain?
Do the skies themselves send down showers?
No, it is you, Lord our God.
Therefore our hope is in you,
for you are the one who does all this. Jer 14: 22
Locals worship in their burnt church after the building was torched in the Plateau massacre carried out by suspected Fulani herdsmen (photos)


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